Rodrigo Peroni

Senior QA Engineer

Rodrigo Peroni
It has always been my dream to work in a multicultural team and this opportunity just seemed to be perfect for me.
It has always been my dream to work in a multicultural team and this opportunity just seemed to be perfect for me.

My career at Diebold Nixdorf
How I came from Brazil to Pilsen

Multicultural environment

I came from Brazil to work in GC Pilsen in 2018. Different cultures and languages have always fascinated me and, back then, I was looking for an opportunity to live and work in a multicultural environment. When the opportunity to work in GC Pilsen appeared, it seemed the perfect one for me. I would be located in the heart of Europe, in a team composed by people from different places with different backgrounds, where I could put to good use my knowledge in Test Automation. I had already worked in another office of DN, so the answer for me was clear: I embraced the position, and it was the best choice I have ever made.

Interesting projects

Here, I got in contact with excellent professionals and a well-established project that is used by hundreds of customers. New project versions are allowing me to work and learn up-to-date technologies that are used throughout the project.




The best part of working in GC Pilsen is definitely the collaboration among coworkers. Here you will find people with different skillsets who are always willing to share their knowledge. Difficult tasks are often overcome based on our cooperation, which feels very rewarding. It makes me very proud to say that the good people I met here, have become my friends even out of office.


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Diebold Nixdorf
Avalon Business Center - kancelář v 1. patře
Poděbradova 2842/1
301 00 Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí

Sídlo společnosti:
Diebold Nixdorf s.r.o., Siemensova 2716/2, 155 00 Praha 5
IČO: 25784528
Obchodní rejstřík: Městský soud v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 69964

Společnost Diebold Nixdorf s.r.o., je ve smyslu § 79 zákona č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních společnostech a družstvech (zákon o obchodních korporacích), začleněna do koncernu Diebold Nixdorf a podrobena jednotnému řízení ze strany řídící osoby, kterou je společnost Diebold Nixdorf Inc.

Název a právní forma poskytovatele: Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated

Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated je veřejně obchodovaná společnost organizovaná podle zákonů státu Delaware, USA, registrovaná u státního ministerstva Delaware, číslo spisu 7616573.

Identifikátor právnické osoby: 549300XZK6EWDBAZSY16

Adresa poskytovatele / sídlo:

Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated
50 Executive Pkwy, P.O. Box 2520
Hudson, OH 44236
United States

Autorizovaný zástupce:
Octavio Marquez, CEO (výkonný ředitel)

© 2025 Diebold Nixdorf.  Vytvořeno v Beneš & Michl